Summer Break Safety Tips for Kids - New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyers | Egenberg Trial Lawyers

Summer Break Safety Tips for Kids

Summertime is a joyous period of the year for children because they are no longer in school and are essentially free to partake in all kinds of activities for their own pleasure. The problem for most parents is that kids who are engaging in more activity also face certain dangers, and any parent whose child suffers injuries in an accident in Louisiana will want to contact a New Orleans child injury attorney.

Among the best things a parent can do this time of year is simply prepare for possible dangers and have plans that help children avoid dangerous situations. Proper guidance and support can help keep your kids safe and have a healthy and fun summer.


Make Sure to Keep Watch To Prevent Drownings

The good news is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the rate of unintentional drowning deaths among children 0 to 17 years of age declined by 38 percent between 1999 and 2019. Swimming pools were the most common drowning sites for children ages 1–4 and 5–13, while natural bodies of water were the most common for ages 14–17.

A drowning can occur in a matter of mere seconds. This is why it is critical that parents make sure that there is always an adult who is making sure to keep an eye on all children who are playing in the water.

When you are taking children out on boats, then life jackets are an absolute must. Make sure the jackets are properly fitted.

Leave the Fireworks to the Adults

The United States Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) reported that firework injuries increased 25 percent between 2006 and 2021. Nine people were killed in 2021 while another 11,500 suffered injuries.

The highest estimated rate of emergency department-treated, fireworks-related injuries in 2021 was among young adults 20 to 24 years of age. Never allow any young children to play with or ignite fireworks, even sparklers, which can burn at temperatures of approximately 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to melt certain metals.


Do a Car Safety Check

Adults need to remember that Louisiana Revised Statute § 32:295 requires every driver transporting a child or any children under 18 years of age in a motor vehicle that must be equipped with a safety belt system or by lower anchors and tethers for children according to federal safety standards in a passenger seating position to have the child properly restrained according to the vehicle and child safety seat manufacturer’s instructions. Should you .need assistance installing a car seat, you should know that Louisiana has Child Passenger Safety Fitting Stations that can be found throughout the state with more than 600 nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians available to ensure a child safety seat has been installed properly.

The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission reports that as many as 96 percent of child restraints are not installed correctly. Another thing to remember when driving with children is to never leave the kids alone in the car for any period of time because the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) notes that a child’s body temperature may rise three to five times faster than an adult’s, and a child who is left in a hot vehicle could die within minutes with the United States seeing a record number of child heatstroke deaths in 2018 and 2019 with 53 in each year. 


Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Consultation with a New Orleans Boat Accident Attorney

Has your child suffered severe injuries in any kind of summer accident in the greater New Orleans area? Get in touch with Egenberg Trial Lawyers for help holding the negligent party accountable.

Our firm is well aware of how difficult it can be for parents to get justice when their children are hurt by the negligence of others, but we can work to make sure that you receive all of the just compensation that you are entitled to for your economic harm. Call (504) 229-3117 or contact us online to take advantage of a free consultation so we can sit down with you and go over all of the specifics of your case while also answering any legal questions you might have.