Risks Associated with Summer Road Trips - New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyers | Egenberg Trial Lawyers

Risks Associated with Summer Road Trips

Summertime is an ideal time of the year for people to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and pleasant weather. Unfortunately, it can also be a time of year in which people find themselves hurt in a number of different kinds of accidents that only become more common during the warmer months because there are more people partaking in activities and increasing the likelihood of possible injury risks.

People hurt during summertime accidents must be quick to seek legal representation for assistance with injury claims so they can know that they will be taken care of and receive all appropriate treatment for their injuries. A New Orleans personal injury attorney will make a world of difference for any person who sustains serious injuries in a summertime accident.


Car Accidents

When we are talking about summer road trips, driving will be inherent to traveling. Being on the road thus increases the chances of injuries in car accidents.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) report that teenage crash deaths were most frequent during the summer months of June, July, and August in 2020. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data from 2020 shows that June, July, and August were the three months with the highest percentages of alcohol-impaired drivers involved in fatal crashes.

In addition to higher rates of alcohol-impaired drivers on the road in the summer, there is also just the matter of driver fatigue. Hotter conditions make people more likely to become dehydrated and thus feel the effects of trying to operate motor vehicles in hotter conditions that can lead to accidents.


Pool and Spa Injuries

Swimming pool accidents can include drownings and near-drownings, entrapments or entanglements, diving board or slide injuries, slip and fall accidents, and malfunctioning electrical systems. Owners of public or private swimming pools can both be liable for negligence when they fail to maintain safe swimming pools.

Injury victims in these cases often have premises liability claims against pool or spa owners, but you need to be aware that both pool or spa owners and their insurance companies are very likely to deny liability for any accident and will instead claim you were somehow responsible for your accident. For this reason, it is critical for any swimming pool or spa accident victim to quickly seek legal representation for assistance fighting to recover adequate damages.


Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents

The summer months are incredibly popular times of year for more people to ride bikes, some with motors and some without. Either two-wheeled ride can be incredibly dangerous because all bikes will still have to deal with motor vehicle traffic at some point.

Many drivers are simply not paying attention to take appropriate notice of bikes, so there is always an increased risk of accidents for people on motorcycles and traditional bicycles. Worse yet, individuals riding bikes often have much less protection in accident scenarios, meaning they are much more likely to suffer potentially catastrophic injuries.


Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Consultation with a New Orleans Personal Injury Attorney

If you or your loved one suffers injuries in any kind of summertime accident in New Orleans, be quick to hire a lawyer for assistance in holding the negligent party accountable. Egenberg Trial Lawyers know how common these kinds of accidents can be and fights to make sure that victims are able to recover full and fair compensation for their injuries.

Our firm will be able to conduct our own independent investigation into your accident to help prove liability and take the appropriate steps to recove3r adequate damages that actually cover all of the costs you incur because of your accident. You can call (504) 229-2853 or contact us online to take advantage of a free consultation so we can sit down with you and learn everything about your case before working to make sure that you are taken care of.