Safety Discussions to Have With Your Children - New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyers | Egenberg Trial Lawyers

Safety Discussions to Have With Your Children

Children often engage in activities involving high risks of injury, without appreciating those risks like adults. Parents can help reduce accidents and injuries by discussing simple safety practices with their children. However, many parents are not fully aware of ways to improve their children’s safety.

Here are a few safety tips you can share with your children to help keep them safe and prevent common accidents:

Bicycle safety – Biking is fun for kids and a great outlet for energy. However, biking is also dangerous. Kids should be aware of the risks of getting hit by cars or falling and hitting the sidewalk, pavement, or curb. They should know to always wear a helmet that properly fits their head, as well as brightly colored clothing and other safety equipment.

Pedestrian safety – Many kids walk to school or a neighbor’s house to play on a regular basis. You should explain the dangers of getting hit by a car to your child and talk about using crosswalks, waiting for walk signals, and avoiding crossing the street as much as possible. Set boundaries for your kids when they are walking, especially anywhere near busy streets. Also, discuss never getting into a car with anyone, as well as how to handle strangers who try to approach them.

Burns and scalds prevention – Children can incur serious burns from everyday activities like cooking, grilling, and even excessively hot baths. Turn your water heater down and teach children that stoves, ovens, pots and pans, grills, and any form of flame—even just candles—can seriously hurt them. Remind children to always ask for help or permission before going near anything hot or using the microwave. Don’t let children run and play in the kitchen while you are cooking, and don’t leave a skillet or pan on the front of the stove where a child can reach the handle.

School bus safety – Riding the bus poses another set of potential dangers for your child. First, teach your child to stand back from the curb when the bus approaches or drives away. Your child should wait until the bus stops completely and the driver opens the door before stepping off the curb. Second, teach your child how to cross in front of the bus, if necessary, by leaving plenty of space between themselves and the front of the bus, making eye contact with the driver, and looking both ways before crossing the street.

Call a Trusted New Orleans Personal Injury Attorney Today

We hope these suggestions on safety conversations to have with your child help prevent accidents and injuries. Unfortunately, children sometimes get hurt in accidents that could have been prevented, or because someone else acted negligently. If your child has been hurt in an accident because of another person’s negligence, you should not wait to call a New Orleans personal injury lawyer at Egenberg, APLC. Contact our office online or call us at 504-229-5700 to learn more about how we can help you and your children today.